Training in your home

for you and your dog

Puppies, average dogs and even complicated canines can be helped in Maggie’s 5 session training program.


Training For puppies, between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks old.

You will enjoy learning all about your puppy in this personal and customizable training program for you and your whole family! In addition to the things listed below, we will cover housetraining, crate training and scheduling your puppy’s day.

Training for The Average Dog is for a single dog, of any breed, over the age of 16 weeks; that is not fearful or aggressive.

You will wish you did this sooner! This program has wiggle room for you to add your wish list behaviors and to clean up some undesired, already established behaviors like jumping up and pulling on leash.

What will you learn in Maggie’s Program?

1. Learn how to immediately and effectively communicate to your puppy or dog to stop mouthing, jumping, and other rude behaviors. Your dog will learn to sit and look at you to receive his food, affection, toys, to go out the door and more. You will have gentle boundaries that keep you happy, your puppy safe and bring order to the home.

2. Manage, control and calm your puppy or dog around eating areas, the kitchen, work stations, houseguests and more. Your puppy will know where you want him and learn to self-regulate; he will get really good at being calm!

3. Your puppy or dog will reliably respond to his name and come to you when called. This helps you manage him when he is about to get into trouble! Call him away from the kitchen before he steals food; call him away from a guest before he jumps; call him back if he gets through the front door; and even enjoy some off-leash time.

4. Learn how to stop your puppy from doing what you don’t want or what is not safe. You will be amazed at how effective this gentle and hands off method is to stop puppies from rough housing, from chasing children and even fighting at the fence line with the neighbor’s dog. This method will allow you to enforce listening and house rules and feel really in control of your dog. Feel less stress and more joy!

5. You will understand how to find the perfect equipment for you and your dog and how to use it correctly. Stop leash pulling, teach focus and position and learn how to pass tough distractions like other dogs, squirrels and joggers.

6. We will make sure your dog can jump in and out of the car, ride quietly and calmly and behave for you out in public.